Saturday 27 July 2024
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How to avoid hypertension: breaking the family pattern

How to avoid hypertension: breaking the family pattern


 blood pressure meter medical tool

blood pressure meter medical tool

Hypertension is a very frequent disease in our country. It is a family disease as you are more likely to suffer from hypertension if one of your parents or their parent’s suffers from it. Even though it can be genetically transmitted, that doesn’t mean that there is no way to prevent it. Genetics is not the only risk factor; your life style is a huge risk factor too.


If you already have one risk factor that you can’t change that is your genetics, you can work on what you can change; your life style. There are eight main ways you can control your blood pressure :


Eat a better balanced diet. Eat regularly fruits and vegetables. Reduce eating fatty foods and reduce the amount of salt. That means more home cooked meals and less michopo.


Do regular exercise. If you can’t get time to exercise, walk to near places instead of taking a bus or car. Do exercices that don’t require moving or take a lot of time like jumping a rope. Drink lots of water.


Manage healthy weight. Make sure that your height is proportional to your weight. If you are overweight, consider losing some kilos progressively. Losing weight is supposed to take time and not be abrupt. If you are underweight try and eat more.


Manage stress ; avoid being very stressed. Avoid stressful situations and if you can’t avoid them, learn to deal with it. Preferably do one thing at a time and get some rest.


Avoid smoking .If you are a smoker you should stop immediately.


If you drink alcohol , limit alcohol intake. Don’t drink excessively and give yourself atleast two alcohol free days per week.


By adopting successfully this new life style, you can delay the development of High blood pressure and even better prevent it.


 blood pressure meter medical tool

blood pressure meter medical tool

Ingrid Lynca

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