On This December 5th, Thunders fellowship is organizing a car wash that will take place at buja café. The car wash event is supposed to raise some funds to give back to the community by supporting YBSP orphanage.
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world”. Thus is the motivation behind their actions.
Regardless of religion or belief, we all believe in the power of giving. But also, it is part of our culture that a child is everyone’s responsibility. ‘umwana si uw’umwe ni uw’uburundi’. Empathizing is not enough, action needs to be taken. Leis Bruel the founder of YSBP orphanage is one of the few Burundians who have chosen to move from empathy to action. His initiative has inspired many to take part of the Sunday meals to feed the street children and other activities.
Now it is the turn of thunder fellowship to participate in providing for the sons and daughters of Burundi in the carwash event. The thunders fellowship is composed by young people who just finished high school. In the spirit of helping the community around them, they are giving a chance to everyone to help out by buying an affordable breakfast at Buja cafe as they wash cars for free. 20% of the cost for the breakfast will go towards the YBSP Orphanage.
YBSP orphanage is planning to celebrate Christmas this year for over 260 children.
Ingrid Lynca