Saturday 27 July 2024
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Burundian models abroad : Ange Nicole Mahoro , Uganda

Burundian models abroad : Ange Nicole Mahoro , Uganda
Ange Nicole Mahoro , burundian model

Ange Nicole Mahoro , burundian model Burundi is showcasing burundian models evolving abroad. The fashion world is a small closed circle, not easily accessible to black models, especially when they come straight from Africa. Nevertheless, some Burundian models manage to make their way to the steps of the most popular runways.

After Liesse KEZIMANA evolving in Australia and Michael NKINDI in China, we spoke with Angel Nicole Mahoro taking off in Uganda. When did you start modeling?
Angel N. Mahoro: I started in 2010 working with my brother who is a fashion designer. He tried his new designs on me. I posed for pictures of his book as well. What problems do you face as a model?
Angel N. Mahoro : There are quite some.  Fashion in Africa is not yet a big industry that can take care of all of those working in the sector. Many of us do it out of passion. It is the biggest motivation, at least as long as models are concerned. Until now, it is very difficult if not impossible to make a living out of this job in several countries of the continent. Only perseverance and passion help us to continue. But we cannot also forget that this is an extraordinary area in which you get to meet interesting people, travel, learn from others and you can also make contacts. In short, this is an interesting area because there are very creative people (designers, make-up artists …) and above all there is the energy and fun. Would you like to make a career out of modeling?
Angel N. Mahoro: I would love to make modeling a career if the opportunity arises. I try to take every opportunity that comes because time is limited with modeling. At a certain age, you have to move on. What advice would you give to young Burundians who have the same passion as you?
Angel N. Mahoro: Be persistent. And also expect anything. Fashion is not always tender, especially with models. There are plenty of surprises and a lot of stress. I had the chance to meet and to model alongside some professional models as Aamito. I learnt a lot from her. Fashion requires discipline and perseverance. It is very demanding especially on international standards. What are the major fashions shows that you have attended?
Angel N. Mahoro: There is GLAA Fashion Intro, Kampala Fashion Week, Kigali Fashion Week, Hub of Africa in Addis Ababa. I have not been able to participate in Bujumbura Fashion Week; I came back to Bujumbura a little bit late.


Interview by Miranda AKIM

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