Saturday 15 February 2025
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Santé Priorité the website that is improving health care service in Burundi

Santé Priorité the website that is improving health care service in Burundi
Jean Claude Nduwimana, the the mastermind behind santé priorite ©

Jean Claude Nduwimana, the the mastermind behind santé priorite ©


Imagine being able to send medicine for your sick child at home while you are at work. Or not having to spend the full day at the hospital waiting for your turn to see the doctor.  Or even better being able to register your child for a new school and pay the school fees without having to spend time at the long queues in banks.  Sante priorite is contributing in making your everyday life easier.


Jean Claude Nduwimana is the mastermind behind santé priorité. After getting his degree in business administration, he got to work with Life Net International that is where he was exposed with all the things that happen in our hospitals. He came up with idea of building a website that could help ameliorate the services in health facilities.


“Working with a health organization made me realize how complicated it is to see a doctor in Burundi. You can go to a doctor’s cabinet and find that he is not working at that time and you are asked to come back later. And even when you find him there you have to wait for hours to see him or have to ask for an appointment and come back later. At times we don’t even know where a certain doctor works or even if the number of specialists working in Burundi.” Says Mr Nduwimana


He started developing his idea early 2015 and managed to launch his website in July. His website allows you to search for doctors working in Burundi. Not only do you get to find the specialist you need easily but also you get to see his working schedule and pay for an appointment using Eco-cash. Thus helping the doctors to get more clientele and at the same time reducing the waiting time for those who need medical attention.


“There have been challenges mostly in convincing people as we Burundians are slow when it comes to embrace change. Finding resources is also hard when you are a starter. But everything starts from a dream and when you dream, you should dream big.”


His secret for success: “Determination, perseverance and a goal is what you need to succeed. Have a clear goal and a vision to understand where you are going.”


Sante Priorite mission to help ameliorate the medical sector in Burundi doesn’t stop there. They have made it possible to order medication online and get it delivered at home. They are also working with schools making it possible to register and pay fees using your mobile phone.


Ingrid Lynca



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