Saturday 27 July 2024
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Singer Black G becomes “brand ambassador” 2016 for Smart Burundi

Singer Black G becomes “brand ambassador” 2016 for Smart Burundi
Handshake between Martin Nahamya , Sales Manager and singer Black G

Handshake between Martin Nahamya , Sales Manager and singer Black G ©

Singer Black G known among others for his song “Babiri Babiri kuri piste» has signed a one-year contract with the telecommunication company Smart Mobile Burundi. We learn that he will be their brand ambassador appearing on billboards and at promotional events of the brand throughout the country.


Camille NDAHIRO within the marketing department explains: “We have already worked with several Burundian singers. But for next year, we were looking for something special. We have therefore chosen a singer (which does not exclude that we could sign with others according to the budget allowed) to work more closely. Our plans are to go towards the people and allow them to spend quality time with us. ”

Camille NDAHIRO , from the marketing department

Camille NDAHIRO , from the marketing department ©

He continues: “There are certain areas up country where Smart had not yet installed comfortably. We want to go to there and let them know that Smart is the most accessible network in Burundi, the one that allows everyone regardless their social status to meet one of the most basic needs: communication “.


For Black G, it’s a day for celebration. He told the media: “This is something new for a Burundian singer to become a brand ambassador for a telecommunication company and I am very glad that this starts with me”

Black G signing the contract ©

Black G signing the contract ©

All eyes on the future, he says: “Today it’s me; tomorrow it will be somebody else. What is good with this agreement is the fact that it is not very binding. Not only I could work with them, but I keep the flexibility to do my job aside. I think part of my dreams will be realized. I can tell you that you will see the change in my career and in my life”



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