Saturday 27 July 2024
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Carine KANDERI : The lady to whom stones meant beauty !

Carine KANDERI : The lady to whom stones meant beauty !

Carine KANDERI, holding a frame of a Burundian Drummer made with painted stones.©

Carine KANDERI has a law degree. She defines herself as a leader and a creative thinker. In the beginning of 2019, she started Kanderi’s Rock Deco which produces decorative items from smooth pebbles picked up in the Ntahangwa River. She is now working with six young painters and two woodworkers in Ngagara, Quarter 6. Her decorative items have been sold in France, Canada, Gabon, Rwanda, and the Congo. She recounts… Who is Carine Kanderi?

Carine Kanderi: My name is Carine Kanderi. I was born on January 29, 1990 in Ngagara. I am a twin and the third child in a family of four children. I studied elementary school at Lycée Saint Gabriel of Ngagara, and then went on with secondary school at ex-ENE Ngagara (Ngagara Lycée now) from 2001 to 2007. I graduated from my secondary studies at Lycée SOS of Bujumbura in Arts in 2009. I studied law at Hope Africa University from 2010 to 2014. I worked in Lumitel as a customer service agent for two years (2015-2016). I also worked in the NGO SACODE (Santé Communauté Développement) as a Project Manager from 2017 to 2019.  From 2019 to date, I am working at Best Imprimerie as a Marketing Manager. How did you come up with Kanderi’s Rock Deco?

Carine Kanderi: In the fall of 2018, my job’s contract expired. In the beginning of 2019, I put up an idea aimed at creating something that would generate income in the upcoming days. I had tried many times to apply for jobs without being hired. As I had this big dream of creating something, I wondered where I could start. Henceforth, I started doing research on the internet. I saw kinds of toys for children made from natural materials like wood and stones. I was interested in such beautiful things. I tried making toys from wood and stones. I continued with stones and planned to continue with wood next time. I therefore started making decorative items. What does Kanderi’s Rock Deco stand for?

Carine Kanderi: My first and foremost purpose of creating Kanderi’s Rock Deco was to promote young talents. I am totally convinced that God has created every child with a talent that is his or her own. Unfortunately, some children are not given a much better possibility to well exploit their talents. How are you making decorative items from stones?

Carine Kanderi: Above all, I would like to point out that I am working with six young painters and two woodworkers. I also collaborate with my sister and my mum (she is retired now) who help me find the best designs.

Carine KANDERI and her elder sister Candide KANDERI surround their mum Hélène NAHIMANA.©

It’s worth mentioning that we use pebbles picked up in Ntahangwa River. We work with the people who are searching for stones and sand in that same river for real estate purposes. We proceed to select the pebbles they provided us with because the ones that we use have to be smooth and not heavy.

Once we’re done with this, I share the idea to the painters who take it from there. Once they’re done, they show me. If I don’t like what I see, they have to do it again until it comes out perfect. There are also words that we write on stones in such a way they attract people.  People tend to like more the stones on which we write: “Believe you are unique, believe you are creative, believe you are able, and believe you are evolving ‘’.

Kanderi’s painted stones glued on a decorative dish.© What kind of decorative items are you producing? What is your market?

Carine Kanderi: We are producing various decorative items and it depends on our clients’ orders. Some order for one stone while others may order for a frame made of different stones. I have produced decorative items and logos for enterprises namely Noa Advocates, So Beautiful (a Saloon of Beauty and Massage near Fitness), stones and frames for different clients. We have sold our different decorative items in France, Canada, Gabon, Rwanda, and Congo. How do you set the price for your decorative items?

Carine Kanderi: The price varies according to the paint we have used, the size of the stone or frame made of stones glued together or stones glued on a decorative dish. Normally, one frame is sold at a price brackets between BIF 60,000 and BIF 300,000. What are your next projects?

Carine Kanderi: It’s been on my mind for quite some time now that I should be contributing in children’s education in Burundi. So, in the days to come I have a project of producing, from both wood and stones, toys that can be useful in families and kindergartens for children’ education. As I want to widen my market place, I am also looking forward to producing items that can be sold internationally in a big number.

I am planning to open a shop very soon, once Covid-19 is over. Last but not least, I am trying all my best to make sure that I am able to produce and deliver my products flawlessly. That’s why, in the days to come, I will be working with DHL to ease the international delivery of my products to clients.


Melchisédeck BOSHIRWA


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